Whitehaven AFC have announced the appointment of two new Vice Chair Persons.
At our recently held AGM Jamie Fitzwilliam and Dawn Gibbons where appointed by the committee to help lead the club going forward.
Jamie will be Vice Chair Person of Football Operations and Dawn Gibbons will support Facility Operations.
They are already getting stuck into their new roles!
Jamie Fitzwilliam said:
”I'm delighted to be appointed to the role of vice chair person of Whitehaven Amateur Football Club. I look forward to working alongside the dedicated committee members, volunteers and players at the club. This is an exciting time to be involved with WAFC and I am eager to get started and play my part in taking the club forward.”
Dawn Gibbons said:
“As a former coach now registration officer I wanted to get more involved with the day to day running of the club and this role really interested and excited me!”
Luke Johnston, Club Chairman added:
”Both Jamie and Dawn have been involved in the club for a number of years, Jamie most recently as Assistant First Team Manager and Dawn as a coach turned Registration Secretary. They are both dedicated to taking the club forward and I look forward to working with them both more closely.
Alongside Dawn and Jamie there where several new appointments and reappointments to the committee for the forthcoming year:
Luke Johnston - Chairman
Jamie Fitzwilliam - Vice Chairman - Football Operations
Dawn Gibbons - Vice Chairperson - Facility Operations
Debra Law - Club Secretary
Anne Marie Houghton - Treasurer - Youth & Facility
Paul Crooks - Treasurer - Seniors
Juliet Buchanan - Lead CWO, Volunteer Coordinator and Ability counts coordinator
David Rushforth - Seniors Secretary
David Hodgson - Development Pathways Lead - 6- 12
VACANCY - Development Pathways Lead - 13 - Open age
Martin Curwen - Committee Member
Bill Robson - Development Projects Lead
Bill Robson
Neil Robinson
Luke Johnston
Robert Macmillan
Club President:
Bill Robson
A huge thanks to Wammo Walmsley our outgoing Vice Chairman who has chose to stand down and concentrate on his other roles.